Smart Objects
Week 1
Instrument Innovation
My instrument is designed to be played with both hands. The main part of the instrument is meant to be played like a percussive instrument with one’s fingers while the other hand can spin two other pieces on the instrument to make different higher pitch noises.
Constructed from a Tupperware container, drain catch, kids toy propellers, and some plastic tubes, clay, paper, wire, and hot glue.
Week 2
Final Project Proposal
For my final project I want to create an instrument that is multifunctional. Expanding on my first instrument I’d like to take certain elements I was experimenting with and incorporate them into my final project. I’d like to evolve the form of the instrument and specifically keep the spinning technique of my first prototype into the final instrument. I’m interested in how gears, strings, and spinning material can be combined into one multifunctional instrument.
For my instrument I want to divide the form into different areas of sounds.
On the upper left I will use steampunk gears that will spin and knock into thin metal strips or thick paper.
On the upper right, I want to use guitar strings to fill the other half of the circular hoop. I can pluck these strings and maybe use a bow.
For the base, I want to use this as the electric powered part of my instrument. I am thinking of using a DC motor to spin etched plastic, like a record player and using a needle to made noise against it.
Week 3
Instrument Mixing
Week 5/6/7: Experimenting & Building
I used some sketches and played around with different materials to get a sense of the form I wanted for my final project. I started creating this resting chime instrument before moving onto my main part of the project. I sketched a part I wanted to rotate and 3d printed it before building a base for my motor and adding the propeller.